IN Tune: Food, Ag, Fertilizer, and ESG From BMO’s 19th Annual Farm to Market Conference
IN Tune is a podcast featuring Equity Research analysts from BMO Capital Markets. Our episodes explore key emerging themes, trends, and issues which are important to our institutional clients globally.
This episode of INTune delves into the takeaways from BMO’s 19th Annual Farm to Market Conference and stretches across the food and agriculture value chain. Equity Research Analysts Kelly Bania, Joel Jackson, Doug Morrow, and Andrew Strelzik join in a discussion on the impacts of commodity price volatility, consumer trends, ag tech, and water on equities.
Subscribe to this free podcast and never miss an episode or visit the BMO Equity Research website for more great episodes of IN Tune.

IN Tune: Food, Ag, Fertilizer, and ESG From BMO’s 19th Annual Farm to Market Conference
Equity Research Analyst, Fertilizers and Chemicals
Joel is a senior analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research, covering the chemicals and fertilizer/ag sectors. Joel joined BMO in 2006, and has been a publishin…
ESG Strategist
Doug joined BMO Capital Markets Equity Research in September 2020 as Director, ESG Strategy. Doug is a seasoned ESG specialist with over 15 years of indus…
Equity Research Analyst, Food Retail & Distribution
Kelly is an analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research covering food retailers, including traditional supermarkets; natural, organic & specialty food retail…
Restaurant Analyst
Andrew is a senior analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research, covering restaurants. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, Andrew was named an “All-America Research Tea…
Joel is a senior analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research, covering the chemicals and fertilizer/ag sectors. Joel joined BMO in 2006, and has been a publishin…
VIEW FULL PROFILEDoug joined BMO Capital Markets Equity Research in September 2020 as Director, ESG Strategy. Doug is a seasoned ESG specialist with over 15 years of indus…
VIEW FULL PROFILEKelly is an analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research covering food retailers, including traditional supermarkets; natural, organic & specialty food retail…
VIEW FULL PROFILEAndrew is a senior analyst in BMO Capital Markets Equity Research, covering restaurants. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, Andrew was named an “All-America Research Tea…
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IN Tune is a podcast featuring Equity Research analysts from BMO Capital Markets. Our episodes explore key emerging themes, trends, and issues which are important to our institutional clients globally.
This episode of INTune delves into the takeaways from BMO’s 19th Annual Farm to Market Conference and stretches across the food and agriculture value chain. Equity Research Analysts Kelly Bania, Joel Jackson, Doug Morrow, and Andrew Strelzik join in a discussion on the impacts of commodity price volatility, consumer trends, ag tech, and water on equities.
Subscribe to this free podcast and never miss an episode or visit the BMO Equity Research website for more great episodes of IN Tune.
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