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Episode 26: Canadian Energy and Innovation: Part 2

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Disponible en anglais seulement

In the second episode of our two part series Canadian Energy and Innovation, Jonathan Hackett takes us through two case studies of companies that have found ways to innovate to directly address the problem of greenhouse gas. First he is joined by Steve Oldham, CEO of Carbon Engineering, a Canadian company that has developed a technology for Direct Air Capture of carbon dioxide. The later in the episode he speaks with Kevin Jabusch, President and CEO of Enhance Energy, about how his company uses the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line to create a business model around Carbon Mitigation and their plans for the future of this industry.

In this episode:

  • How Direct Air Capture works and the future of this process around the world

  • The future of the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line

  • How large CO2 emitters will choose to pay for their carbon going forward


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Jonathan Hackett Cochef, Groupe Transition énergétique BMO et chef, Financement durable


Episode 24: Canadian Energy and Innovation: Part 1

Michael Torrance 17 septembre 2020

  Disponible en anglais seulement The Canadian energy sector is a leading source of sustainable energy and innovation that will make Canad…

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